On October 3, 2018, Bruce Searby’s views on the recent settlement of FCPA charges by conglomerate UTC were quoted in The Ant-Corruption Report.
FCPA Professor interviews Bruce Searby on podcast
Mike Koehler, aka the FCPA Professor, interviewed Searby LLP partner Bruce Searby on the podcast "FCPA Flash" concerning the recent DOJ and SEC resolutions of Credit Suisse's so-called "hiring" case.
Bruce Searby's takeaways from recent FCPA resolutions appear in Law360
In a guest column solicited by the legal trade publication Law360, titled "FCPA Liability for Hiring Practices Gains New Credence," Bruce Searby analyzes the enforcement trend the Credit Suisse case represents, as well as its key facts, legal underpinnings, and other issues.
Bruce Searby to train Peruvian anti-corruption judges and other members of the justice sector.
As part of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, Bruce Searby will lead three days of training in Lima, Peru from May 30 to June 1, 2018 in a program entitled "Specialized Workshop on Crimes against Public Administration - Corruption of Officials." The program is for the benefit of Peru's special anti-corruption judges, as well as prosecutors, police, and defense attorneys.
Bruce Searby to speak on panel at American Conference Institute’s 20th Anniversary New York Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act on May 8-9, 2018.
The panel, “Internal Controls: A Key Defense In An Era of Convergence,” will take place at 11 am on May 9th at the Westin New York at Times Square, New York, New York. The panel will be followed by the keynote address of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.
Bruce Searby quoted in The Anti-Corruption Report on pursuing declinations.
Bruce Searby's comments about how to pursue declinations, made to the Practice Law Institute's Annual FCPA Conference in New York on April 23, 2018, were reported on May 2, 2018 by The Anti-Corruption Report.
Profiling Searby LLP Lawyers, Law360 Reports Firm’s Launch
Founding of Searby LLP Reported by Global Investigations Review
Bruce H. Searby Profiled by Global Investigations Review
Bruce Searby to Speak at the Practicing Law Institute's Annual Conference
Searby LLP partner Bruce Searby will be speaking at the Practicing Law Institute's annual FCPA Conference "The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and International Anti-Corruption Developments 2018.” The April 23 panel, entitled “FCPA Issues with the Government and Private Practitioners,” is scheduled for 2:30 pm.