Quoted in an October 22nd article by the WSJ’s Risk and Compliance Journal, partner Bruce Searby discussed the multi-billion dollar settlement by Goldman Sachs of allegations that it conspired to bribe Malaysian officials in connection with bond issuances for the Malaysia’s sovereign fund, 1MDB.
Searby LLP and Co-Hosts Postpone Panel Discussion On Political Prosecutions
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Searby LLP and the other organizers of Political Prosecutions, Trials, and the Year In Review: Panel Discussion/Reception at Cosmos Club are postponing this event previously scheduled for April 2, 2020. The reschedule date is Wednesday, September 9, 2020 (from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm). This event will still feature panelists Abbe Lowell, Barry Pollack, Carrie Johnson, William Taylor, Jeannette Rhee, Robert Ray, and Kamil Shields, as well as moderators Dave Schertler and Ned Searby, and Prof. Nancy Boswell, who will deliver welcoming remarks.
SEC Cites Comment By Bruce Searby As Persuasive In Adopting Proposed Rule
On December 18, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a proposed rule, Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, citing as “persuasive” a Comment letter that Bruce Searby co-authored. The SEC’s resulting position is that corporate social responsibility payments required by law or contract should be included in required disclosures.
Government Dismisses Charges Against Searby LLP Client
The Department of Justice dismissed arms export, money laundering, and structuring charges against a firm client slated to stand trial starting on November 18. Addressing the defendant, the Court commented: "You are fortunate to find yourself in the position you are in today . . . . You have a second lease on life, a lot because of the hard work of defense counsel, who did a terrific job . . . . You dodged a bullet."
Searby LLP recognized by Best Law Firms in America
Best Law Firms in America again recognized Searby LLP effective November 1, 2019.
Global Investigations Review Quotes Bruce Searby On Privilege Dispute
On October 21, 2019, Global Investigations Review quoted Bruce Searby defending the attorney-client privilege against alleged government encroachment in an article titled: “Ex-CEO’s ‘careless disclosure’ waived privilege, says DOJ.”
Wall Street Journal Quotes Bruce Searby On Walmart FCPA Case
On June 28, 2019, the Wall Street Journal ran an article on the recent settlement by the U.S. Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission of a case against Walmart for FCPA violations in several countries. The article quoted Searby LLP partner Bruce Searby on Bruce Searby as a former trial attorney in the Justice Department’s FCPA unit, on how the dispute shows the Justice Department and a company can have different views on what cooperation means in practice.
Bruce Searby Speaks On Anti-Corruption Enforcement to Brazilian Prosecutors at AU's Washington College of Law
On June 13, 2019, continuing a series of appearances as guest faculty, Bruce Searby spoke about topics of U.S. anti-corruption enforcement to Brazilian prosecutors of the Ministerio Publico Federal attending a program put on by the American University's Washington College of Law. Other speakers that week came the federal bench, DOJ Criminal Division, and the FBI.
Panel On Prosecutorial Discretion In Political Cases, Organized by Searby LLP, Draws Intense Discussion, NPR Coverage
On March 14, 2019, Searby LLP and Washington College of Law co-hosted a panel attended by leading members of the white collar bar in which speakers Abbe Lowell, Bob Bennett, Rob Cary, Mary Pat Brown, and US District Judge Peter Messitte discussed the topic “Prosecutorial Discretion, Neutrality & Ethics In an Age of Politicization.” Prof. Nancy Boswell of WCL introduced the panel, and Edmund Searby moderated the discussion. National Public Radio’s Justice Department correspondent Carrie Johnson, in attendance, reported at length on the panelists’ remarks in the story linked below.
Bruce Searby quoted in Global Investigations Review
On February 15, 2019, Global Investigations Review quoted partner Bruce Searby on the manner in which the DOJ fulfilled policy aims in its FCPA enforcement actions in the Cognizant case.